It was year 2012. My friends asked me to join them on the trip to the Pag. Pag is a Croatian island in the northern Adriatic SeaCroatia. It is the fifth-largest island of the Croatian coast, and the one with the longest coastline. I had no idea what’s going on there. He said they organise some kind crazy events on the beach. So I was getting excited. After two days I packed my stuff included one swimsuit, GoPro camera and we finally left to Croatia.

After 12 hours on the way we arrived on the island and we were so surprised. We felt we were at Ibiza. We didn’t met any usually turists and families which basicily spend summer holiday in Croatia. Why was this island different from another location in Croatia? We found out immediately. There is one famous beach called Zrće. Zrće Beach is a worldwide well known party destination, with hotest clubs and venues. Numerous sports, recreation and entertainment facilities and high quality restaurants can be found on the beach, while a few attractive clubs offer entertainment throughout the all day and night..

From this time the madness started. We spent one an unforgettable week with party people, top DJs from around the globe. It was something magical. How you can see in video below. Anyway this is the first edit what I filmed on Zrće Beach 6 years ago. We filmed with 2 GoPro Camera. The editing took over 3 weeks. Couple of weeks later after I uploaded it on my youtube channel the video got over 160K.

After I released the video so many people started asked where is that place, how much they can buy a ticket for, etc. Only couple of people from Czech Republic knew Zrce Beach in this time. I also received an email from Partykybl.cz, they asked me if they could use my video as the main campain for launching a new travel agency. I said yes!

Next two seasons I joined this agency and we filmed another videos. We got over 860K.

Then I left Europe to southeast Asia. I spent almost 2 years of traveling around, learning new things, meeting interesting people from around globe, exploring a new culture, finding myself. It was such a great time!

After 2 years Partykybl introduced me such a huge project focused on boat parties, djs, social activities. I came back to Croatia and I followed the script includes over 15 short videos edits. Most of them are reflecting the specific time of the year as the first snowfall, Christmas, New Year’s Eve, launching sales, events schedule, etc. All videos were created in two languages and serves as media to reach people interested in trip to Croatia. The filming took almost 3 weeks. It was propably the biggest project during last year.

I really appreciate to have opportunity to be part of Partykybl community. Thank you so much and see you on Zrće Beach in June!


A F T E R M O V I E  2 0 1 7



B O O K I N G  O P E N S



S N O W  O U T  F O R  T H E  F I R S T  T I M E



   CH R I S T M A S



H A P P Y  N E W  Y E A R



 S T O R I E S



W H E N  Y O U R  J O B  IS  B O R I N G  Y O U






P O O L  P A R T I E S



P A R T Y  B O A T



M O O N  R O C K S  C H I L L



P A R T Y  B E A C H S P O T



I T’S  T I M E  T O  C H A N G E  Y O U R  J O B



F I T N E S S  P R O G R A M



W H O  I S  R E A D Y  T O  G O?



Y O U R  V O T E


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